Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dear Tired Mom:

Dear Tired Mom,
It's okay.
It's okay to be so tired that when your family is away at school and work that instead of doing the endless list of chores, laundry, meal preps, laundry, paperwork, laundry that you take a seat on the couch and not move for hours.
It's okay.
It's okay that after the 14th night of getting up 4 times each night to get your 7 year old bed-wetter to the bathroom to train his bladder better, to disconnect the alarm from his pull-up so you can both get a solid 5 hours of sleep. He's not going to regress. Those two weeks of work are not going to go to waste. And you will both feel better in the morning.
It's okay.
It's okay to allow yourself to sleep in when your husband graciously offers to take on the morning routine himself. It's okay if he forgets a snack (the teacher has some extra gold fish for these circumstances and she is not going to look down on you), It's okay if your teenager didn't get her hot chocolate because she didn't get up early enough to make it herself and you weren't there to make it for her this morning. It's okay if your 7th grader isn't reminded of the million things she needs to do today because if she forgets, it will be a lesson on being more independence.
It's okay.
It's okay to take a day and do nothing. To read a book. To not take a shower until 2:30 in the afternoon. To put off vacuuming the rug, to take your time sipping your coffee, to put your phone on Do Not Disturb, to take a nap, to play a game on your phone or spend a few extra minutes on Facebook.
It's okay.
It's okay to think about you for a few hours. To take a break for a few hours, because before you know it, the time will have come for you to pick up kids from school, take them soccer practice. help with homework, prepare dinner, clean, referee arguments, listen to an endless Minecraft tutorial, take out the dog, double check homework, help review for a quiz, look up how to do common core....again....hear about the rough day at your husbands work, take the dog out again, field 2,316 questions, panic for 3 hours while your teenager is at drivers ed, get kids showered, and in bed, feed your marriage, pick up before bed, and ready yourself for a full day tomorrow.
So right now...it's okay to do nothing...some days we need to do nothing, because we know nothing won't last long.

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